Much has already been talked about India's first full fledged animation movie 'Hanuman' that has released all over this Friday. While the visuals have already made an impression and got the movie in the limelight, its music and the background score has been one of the prime reasons that makes the viewing of 'Hanuman' an enriching experience. Though there are multiple tracks by composer Tapas Relia and lyricist Satish Mutatkar in the album of Hanuman, almost all of them are mainly used as a part of the background score.
1) Mahabali Maharudra [Vijay Prakash, Sonu Nigam, Shaan, Palash Sen, Kailash Kher, Madhushree, Sneha Pant ]
Album begins on a thunderous note with a high energy title track 'Mahabali Maharudra' and the impact of the track lives up to the title. The number is quite powerful and coming together of artistes like Vijay Prakash, Sonu Nigam, Shaan, Palash Sen, Kailash Kher, Madhushree, Sneha Pant only gives the track a grand appeal. Each of the singers get an even role to play in the song and appear in the specially shot music video of the number [that appears towards when the end credits roll]. This well written track by Satish Mutatkar is a good amalgamation of semi-classical music and grand orchestra that gets the album a good kick start.
2) Jai Hanuman [Kailash Kher, Shankar Mahadevan]
Since the album is for the movie 'Hanuman', it is inadvertent that all the songs would be focused around the great hero. 'Jai Hanuman' is about the 'mahima' of 'bajrangbali' and its the modern day treatment that makes it sound different from hundreds of other routine 'bhajnas' that you hear in albums about GODs hitting the stands every second week. Also, the presence of Kailash Kher and Shankar Mahadevan who have a distinct style of their own adds on an extra zing to the track
3) Akdam Bakdam [Shravan]
Shravan sings the best track of the album 'Akdan Bakdam' that has been designed specifically for the kid. Highlighting the games that 'Hanuman' played as a kid and his mischief and pranks, it is highly entertaining as all the factors from rhythm to rendition to the background chorus and above all the musical arrangements make it highly appealing to the children. Add to it the great visuals accompanying the track and rich colorful background and the song could give competition to any other children's song.
4) Jai Bajrangbali [Kinshuk Sen, Palash Sen]
This is yet another children's song that appears soon after 'Akdam Bakdam'. Usage of English words in the song makes it clear that it is mainly a song for the music album and is not present in the movie. A light entertaining song with lyrics that children can easily identify with, it is of the kinds that one hears in numerous kids albums.
5) Hanuman Chalisa [Nandini, Rashmi, Vijay Prakash]
In an album about 'Hanuman', the least one expects is the inclusion of 'Hanuman Chalisa' that is widely read across the world. One may also ask what's so different about it appearing as a part of the album. Well, this lengthiest track in the album turns out to be quite appealing as it is the musical arrangements that give it a contemporary touch. Fierce and subtle alternatively, this well sung piece by Nandini, Rashmi and Vijay Prakash can find a place in the collection of those who regularly recite 'Hanuman Chalisa'.
6) Theme Music and background pieces - Destroying The Ashok Vatika, Bridge Across The Ocean, The War Begins, Kumbhakaran, Raavan Goes To War [Swapnil Bandodkar, Vijay Prakash, Rajesh Jolly]
There are as many as six musical pieces that are either the theme tracks or appear during specific instances in the narrative of the movie. While one may not really play the album specifically for hearing these bac
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jai bajrang bali
Mohit Baghel
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